Wenn das Kind furchtbare Freunde hat

“If I come to terms with it, I will not be able to roll with it”

© zinkevych / Adobe Stock

Unsere Autorin redet über ein sehr unangehmes Thema: Sie mag de Freund ihres Sohnes nicht en würde ihm am dear zutritt zu ihrem Haus. Can you solve the problem?

These themes for Eltern are given to a nobody. Zum Beispiel, dass wenig Schlaf im ersten Lebensjahr eines Babies fast KEINEN Schlaf bedeutet. Or anyone who has a small child pride trap at the Drogeriemarkt can add a new identity to the beans. And then here it is: You are not allowed to understand the friend.

Once you know you’re coming again, I’ll generate with the augen rolls – of course I won’t. Glaub ich. Naturally free and my favorite hat is my Freunde hat. Nur – and that is the problem of the problems – is the problems and damn near a Dauergast in our serem Zuhause. It seems that the Geruch is a. The waschmittel, which is not used, can penetrate as biological Waffe. Mein Körper said that jedenfalls deutliche Abwehrreaktionen.

Wild, laut and zu fell Chaos

Dazu kommt: Der Junge ist laut. No einfach “laut, wie Kinder eben sind”, son extreme lau. There is talk of being sad, there is laughing and crying and yes, there is something about it – everything that appears to be part of Volume 100 is clear. And then the chaos, it’s a hint. Nice, I have two little Jungs. If it’s good, it’s not that good. Aber dieser Junge takes “hoch her” to a whole new level. When there is a war, watch Kinderzimmer immerse if you are playing a game or Hurrikan game. Ind immerse geht dabei irgendwas kaputt.

Naturally. Kinder sind unterschiedlich. A dynamic game is uninteresting. When a friend of mine has been busy for a while, he gets chatted or bashed. Others play their work and their lives around the house as Ritter and Dinosaur. And that is the following: the Schreihals, the Wände-Anmaler, the Spielzeug-Zerstörer.

There is a kind after all

Das Ding ist: There is no “falsch”, who there is. There is a kind. 6 Years alt. And if I will do the best, it will be to mumble, refuse the children in the house, we will be “so wild”. If you have an idea, look at the impulse. I won’t look at the chaos next time – and mach’s then trotzdem.

Denn was soll ich bitte tun? Meinem Sohn verbieten, mit ihm zu spielen? Of course not. Seine Freundschaften are tough, if they no longer exist mine shame. Would you like to speak with the Eltern des Jungen? In short autumn. Wir sind Nachbarn – en was zo ich denn da sagen? If you do an improper cleaning, you can do this. Or else ich den Jungen miterziehen? That’s not the way to go.

What about a phase now?

The Wahrheit ist: I have no loss. This is one of the things that Eltern-Dinge does, while the man gets into a bit of trouble. Augen zu, aufräumen, Wände new strenichen, gut luften and abwarten, bis die Kinder irgendwann other Interests – or new Freunde – haben. Look at a Lektion for me here: if it isn’t, it’s kind of a friend of mine – not one of mine. When the youth don’t go further than they are allowed to, that’s when it’s tough for me.

Also, I am friendly, at my best (möglichst nicht durch die Nase) and versuche, das Beste draus zu machen. Please note that this is not the case. Or it’s my classic mommy mantra: “Es is nur eine Phase. Es ist nur eine Phase.”

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